What we do

  • Financial Planning

    We believe having a strategy and plan will increase the likelihood of you achieving your goals and aspirations. By articulating your goals, we can help design an efficient plan with you. We help map the route, bring cohesion to all the moving parts of your financial journey and allow sufficient adaptations along the way. Because we all know, life never stands still.
  • Investments

    Inflation has been stripping away the real returns from cash savings for many years. There is always a level of risk when investing beyond cash and it is vital to understand what these risks are and whether you can tolerate these risks even if the potential upside looks promising. At Clarus Wealth, we help you understand investment risk and what level of risk you can afford to take. We will recommend and, as part of our ongoing service, maintain investments that are designed with your long-term goals in mind. We support a low-cost, evidence-based investment approach. Why don't you make an appointment with one of our advisers to see what this means for you?
  • Income and Tax Efficiency

    During retirement it continues to be important to make use of tax allowances available to you in order to create the most tax efficient income possible. As Chartered Financial Planners we have the expertise to consider how your assets can be maximised to produce the most tax efficient income for you in retirement.
  • Pension Withdrawal Management

    With pensions freedom legislation it is possible to take an income from pensions that can be flexible and changed as often as you need it to over the course of your retirement. Whilst the freedom for flexibility can be an excellent benefit, there is a heavy responsibility to ensure that your pension can support your income for the rest of your lifetime (and often your partner’s thereafter). At Clarus Wealth we help you map out and forecast your desired withdrawals so that you can make informed decisions regarding your withdrawal strategy and how to invest your pension assets appropriately.
  • Mortgages

    Obtaining a loan to finance the purchase of a property, be it your first home or onward purchase, can be a strategic part of a financial plan. Securing the most appropriate finance, taking into account the term of the loan and the interest payable is something that we can help with as we can source mortgages from the whole of the market.
  • Legacy & Trust Planning

    With increased longevity and social change, many people are now considering ways of using their wealth to support their family during their lifetimes. Whether it’s helping with school fees, paying for a wedding or helping grandchildren get on the property ladder, intergenerational planning is about ensuring the right amount of money goes to the right people at the right time. Properties can be a significant source of wealth within an estate and making sure you consider the best use of this asset is important and may include considering gifting a share of your property to your children, transferring it into your children's name and paying a rent, or selling your house and gifting your children the proceeds. The best thing to do is to start this kind of planning early We can help you understand your options, prioritise, and to see how you might spread your wealth throughout your family in the best way possible and protect your assets for the right people at the right time. We can also help you to broach the topic with your loved ones. It’s often important for families to be able to discuss their own opinions and it helps them to feel more responsible in their role as an inheritor of the family wealth.
  • Long Term Care

    The cost of care continues to rise, as does the average length of time that care is needed. It is a difficult and emotional subject and often hard decisions will need to be made quickly. Thinking about the type of care and planning for the options will help make this process easier for you at a time when it could be particularly difficult for you or your loved ones. As Independent Financial Planners we can help you navigate you through this sea of decision making, using experts to make sure that you have all the information available to you in order to make the best decisions for you and your family.
  • Protection & Insurance

    Insurance is a highly emotive subject but is a vital part of family security. Considering an appropriate level of life cover or replacement income for the family for loss of income due to sickness can become a more pragmatic decision as we model different scenarios which will highlight to you the impact of these situations on your lifestyle and future plans. This will help you make an informed decision as to what provision to put in place to protect your financial objectives.
  • Retirement Planning & Pensions

    As life expectancy continues to increase, State benefits will not be sufficient to sustain an equivalent lifestyle during retirement. It is more important than ever that you make adequate provision to sustain your desired lifestyle in retirement. Pensions offer exceptional tax incentives including excellent opportunities for effective estate planning. However, with the limits on contributions and total accrued pension savings, we recognise that pensions are unlikely to be the only source of retirement income. Alternative investments alongside pensions will therefore likely be necessary to facilitate a further tax efficient income source during retirement.

Our Approach

Knowing what your money is doing and how it’s helping you achieve your goals will give you an overall feeling of confidence and control over your finances. We like to keep the process as simple as possible, creating a clear, confident plan in 3 steps


We listen to you, we ask lots of probing questions so we can get a true understanding of what your concerns are, what your goals are and where you would like to get to. It’s not just about your money, it’s about your life. We understand how complex your life and financial situation can be, and we are here to simplify it and to help.


Now we know you and your goals, we create a comprehensive financial roadmap for your future. We will consider how all your plans and investments overlap and interact with one another in order to formulate the most effective and efficient strategy for you. This can be concisely summarised by the phrase “the whole is more than the sum of its’ parts.


Life never stands still for long. The best financial plans are designed to enable you to put alternative scenarios in place so that your long-term strategy can be altered and fixed. So, while it doesn’t mean that your overall goal has to change – it might just mean altering the road that ultimately gets you there.

We’re here for the whole journey

We will continue to regularly meet with you to update the plan for life events and take into consideration any changes in your goals. We’re here for the whole journey. All good relationships require continual feedback and input.  Once we have learned about you and your needs, developed and implemented a financial plan, we are not done, and in many ways our work has just begun.

Regularly reviewing and adapting your financial plan is always recommended, no matter what’s happening, because it helps you to stay on track. We will continue to regularly meet with you to update the plan for life events and take into consideration any changes in your goals.

Past performance is not a guide to future performance, nor a reliable indicator of future results or performance. Capital may be at risk as the value of investments can go down as well as up and is not guaranteed; therefore investors may not get back the amount originally invested.

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