Tracey Smith

About me:

Job Title: Financial Planner

What I do: I support our clients to work towards their goals and financial aspirations. As a financial planner I walk with them, as a trusted sounding board ensuring they make informed choices for their financial future.

Brief Background: I have been lucky to work in a variety of sectors, from recruitment to social care, gaining experiences and skills that make me who I am today. The common theme in all my roles has been working with and supporting people.

Favourite part of my Job: People, people, people, uncovering their goals and dreams and in a small way supporting them on their journey to achieve them.

Outside Work: On the sidelines of a football pitch watching my boys play or driving them to a bike park and holding my breath as they undertake “extreme” mountain biking! I often get the job of pushing the bikes back to the top of the hill.

Favourite Place: I love Ham Hill, our local country park, lovely walks with our black Lab Lola, great views and an ice cream van!

Secret Skill: I can strip down, clean and rebuild a SA80 5.56 Assault Rifle in the dark, this was once a useful skill, defunct now!

First Concert: I have been to lots of gigs in the past, but my first real concert was taking my boys to see Ed Sheeran in Cardiff. We were a million miles away from the stage, but nothing detracted from the awe on their faces from the whole experience! We all want to go again.

Our Approach

Knowing what your money is doing and how it’s helping you achieve your goals will give you an overall feeling of confidence and control over your finances. We like to keep the process as simple as possible, creating a clear, confident plan in 3 steps


We listen to you, we ask lots of probing questions so we can get a true understanding of what your concerns are, what your goals are and where you would like to get to. It’s not just about your money, it’s about your life. We understand how complex your life and financial situation can be, and we are here to simplify it and to help.


Now we know you and your goals, we create a comprehensive financial roadmap for your future. We will consider how all your plans and investments overlap and interact with one another in order to formulate the most effective and efficient strategy for you. This can be concisely summarised by the phrase “the whole is more than the sum of its’ parts.


Life never stands still for long. The best financial plans are designed to enable you to put alternative scenarios in place so that your long-term strategy can be altered and fixed. So, while it doesn’t mean that your overall goal has to change – it might just mean altering the road that ultimately gets you there.

We’re here for the whole journey

We will continue to regularly meet with you to update the plan for life events and take into consideration any changes in your goals. We’re here for the whole journey. All good relationships require continual feedback and input.  Once we have learned about you and your needs, developed and implemented a financial plan, we are not done, and in many ways our work has just begun.

Regularly reviewing and adapting your financial plan is always recommended, no matter what’s happening, because it helps you to stay on track. We will continue to regularly meet with you to update the plan for life events and take into consideration any changes in your goals.

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